So I’m just total tired but yet have a lot going through my mind and because I do I can’t sleep at all. I get so angry when I think about my mom and what she did behind my back.
So I’m laying here in bed and I start thinking about my mom and what she did, and Eddie is talking and at the same time I can feel my anger building up and I just start crying because that’s the only way I could let that anger out even though I felt like punching something. So he is still talking and he asks what’s wrong with me because of all the crying, and I reply with “my mom and what she did with Nathan, how she went and told Amy about him behind my back”. And as I’m saying that I feel my teeth clenching together and my fists getting tighter and I say “she really pisses me off” and then I get cut off. You know one of the things I hate is just not being heard and another thing I hate is being interrupted you know I just really hate repeating myself but I do it not to piss anyone off but only to be heard. So what do I do? I repeat “she really pisses me off, it really pisses me off” forgetting how I said it the first time because this repeating habit that I hate has to be said the exact same way I said it the first time all I really want is to be heard. After all that I really want to just punch something and I want to scream. Getting up from bed going to the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t like what I see, someone who is unhappy, and ugly. I just don’t like what I see anymore all the things I’ve been though have changed my appearance so much I look awful!
All I want to be is to be heard! Is that to much to ask?

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